AdvprosD MusicFan

Joined: 12 June 2020 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 362
Posted: 09 February 2024 at 6:32pm | IP Logged
Easier Said Than Done - In all respect, this was a "One Hit Wonder" in most regards.
It took me almost 60 years to finally do a bit of research about this group. Information is a bit sparse but, I gather they met while serving as Marines. The lead singer Anita Humes,
who sadly passed away in 2010 should have, (In my personal opinion), had many more hits to her credit. I just discovered a single of hers on Youtube and on the Roulette label called "Don't fight it Baby."
Not a bad track at all and I think it had the makings of a much larger hit. (I haven't done any research on it so far.)
Easier Said Than Done, was one of those tunes that stuck with me as clean and concise as a hit might be expected to be. I have a number of those I like simply because they are so easy to listen to, no
matter how old I get.
__________________ <Dave> Someone please tell I-Heart Radio that St. Louis is not known as The Loo!